Humidity Control

Home Humidity Control Services in Northern Utah

Controlling the humidity in your home is the best way to ensure it remains clean and healthy. High humidity can lead to the growth of mold and mildew, while low humidity can make your home feel as dry as a bone.

Whether your home is too dry or too moist, contact us at Comfort Pros Heating & Air. We have the home humidity control solutions you need to ensure your home is as comfortable as possible!

Our Home Humidity Control Services

The first phase of our home humidity control services is to test the air inside your home. In addition to checking the overall indoor air quality, we'll also test the humidity levels. From there, we'll be able to determine if you need a whole-home humidifier or dehumidifier.

In some cases, you may even need both! While Utah is known for having low humidity, the Salt Lake area is an exception and the air can be surprisingly damp during the summer months. As such, you may need a humidifier during winter, but a dehumidifier during summer.

Signs You Need a Humidifier

Humidifiers release moisture into the air and make it slightly damper than it otherwise would be. Here are signs that you could benefit from this service:

  • Excessive static electricity 
  • Your throat feels dry and scratchy 
  • Your eyes are always drying up 
  • Dry skin and hair 
  • Respiratory issues 
  • You're more prone to allergies and asthma

Signs You Need a Dehumidifier

Dehumidifiers remove moisture from the air, resulting in a dryer atmosphere. While your air conditioner helps with humidity control, it may not be enough. Here are some warning signs that you may need a dehumidifier:

  • The air feels damp and moist 
  • Your skin feels clammy 
  • Foul odors and smells in the air 
  • You're noticing mold or mildew growth 
  • Condensation on the windows 
  • Excessive allergies and asthma reactions
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